Flair @ Shop and Hop – Halloween 2023
Flair is so happy to be part of this annual event. The Shop and Hop Halloween is on from 5th October until 5th November 2023. Flair has reduced all items by 25% during this event, including our NEW Releases. The prices were manually set to include the 25% Off so the amount shown to pay is the reduced price.
Flair @ Shop and Hop
The Flair Cookie Frappe is a fully customisable hold-able. It comes with left and right bento holds, and is also modifiable. The HUD has options for the Cup, Frappe, Cookies, Chocolate and Straw/Cover. The design is 100% unique mesh created by Flair with our own custom hold animation with an on/off switch on the HUD if you want to free up movement.
Each vertical row of options work well as a colour palette, but you can bust out of your comfort zone and create your own, because who are we to tell you you can only have dark chocolate with your vanilla frappe or that you cannot have blue cookies with your pumpkin spice. As the Cookie Frappe is also mod, you can tint the separate faces of the mesh, so that you can come up with your own custom colours.
The HUD also comes with controls for placement, if editing with the Second Life default edit tools are not your thing, you can use those controls to move the cup into a better position for your hand. You can also make it bigger or smaller as needed, though we did provide two sizes, Male & Female to start you off.
The Flair Sofia Hair Stick set comes with left and right facing sticks. All parts of the sticks are controlled via the HUD, with each bead having its own colour option, the string and wood are also chosen via HUD. You can also modify them if you wish to create your own colours. The design is 100% unique mesh created by Flair to enhance the look of your hairstyle of choice.
All stores at Shop and Hop have a NEW gift item available. Flair Sports Bottle – Salem is our gift during this event. This may in future be part of a bigger release, but for now it is only available in this one colour, but comes with the Left and Right Bento hold. Needing it to be a Halloween themed item, we went with the idea that even Witches take a time out in their day to enjoy a Cold Brew – whatever that may entail.
Any and all questions please contact Sasy Scarborough in world.